Convening Eight Pre-work

~ Putting All the Pieces Together ~


In Convening 8, we will spend time celebrating personalized learning in your learning community and determine how you can move personalized learning from initiative to commitment. During the convening we will consider: 

How might we spread and scale personalized learning beyond our design team?  

To prepare to celebrate your two-year journey in LAUNCH, we invite you to review your evidence slides and select pictures, strategies, artifacts, or other resources that have helped define your team’s learning throughout these two years.  Specifically, consider how you have implemented components of the Ohio Framework for Personalized Learning and how you have made connections across the components.  You will use your artifacts during our morning onboarding work.

Directions: Additionally, please choose one (or more) of the resources below to explore sustainability and commitment to long-term implementation of learner-centered practices.

We look forward to seeing you soon at Convening Eight to put all the pieces together