Convening Two Content

~ Cohort ONE - November 2022 ~

Learner Driven

Learning Targets


We are so excited to see you in a few weeks at Convening Two!  Prior to the convening please complete the Convening Two Pre-Work that you can find HERE.  We anticipate it to take 30-35 minutes.

Convening Content


Agenda.LAUNCH.cohort1.convening2 (SHARED).pdf

Slide Deck

LAUNCH.cohort1.convening2 slidedeck (SHARED)

Choice Sessions

UNDERSTAND the purpose of discussing and reflecting upon unique passions, talents, preferences, interests, strengths, and areas for growth of all learners.

ESTABLISH and begin PRACTICING strategies to discuss and reflect on learners’ unique passions, talents, preferences, interests, strengths, and areas for growth in learner perspectives, experiences, cultures & academic backgrounds.

Describe the impact when learners track their own data and set goals for learning. 

Research and select student goal setting and data tracking strategies and tools that will build student agency.

Reflect and plan for implementation of student goal setting and data tracking.

RECOGNIZE how agency drives instructional design

EXPLORE resources for increasing student voice & choice

DEMONSTRATE understanding of component 1.5 and SHARE electronically with the cohort

CONSIDER how to incorporate student voice & choice in the classroom

Next Steps

Schedule meeting cadence as a design team

Share your learning via the evidence slide deck