Convening Three Pre-work

~ Flexible Learning Environments ~

What's Convening Three's Topic?

In Convening 3, we will focus on the Flexible Learning Environment component of the Ohio Personalized Learning Framework. Below you will see the indicators from the Flexible Learning Environment component:

2.1 Learners have balanced opportunities to work independently and collaboratively to ensure that their individual learning needs are met.

2.2 Learners are provided with access to appropriate tools and resources that allow them to deepen their learning beyond the school day.

2.3 Learners have voice and choice in how they use flexible and accessible learning spaces.

2.4 Learners and educators co-construct classroom agreements so there is an equal investment in the way learning interactions are structured.

*For reference you can find the entire OH Personalized Learning Framework HERE.

First, take a few minutes to either watch or read a bit more about the importance of Flexible Learning Environments:  

Learner Variability

Select at least one

PRINT: Bring a printed or digital copy of this Note Catcher to the virtual convening. 

Then, build learning around our planned convening topics by exploring the resources below. Select at least one from each topic.

Flexible Time

Flexible Space

Flexible Grouping

We look forward to seeing you soon at convening three to learn more about the Flexible Learning Environment component!